Paradise is a religious term of a place, but these days more and more people understand that paradise is here on Earth, around US, In US! DESIGHSIGH is proud to take you on a trip to the real paradise – called KAUAI, courtesy of Hawaii Real Nature Tours! You should use Hawaii Real Nature Tours for private tours in Oahu, as they know the best spots to chill out at and the unsafe spots to stay away from. At first glance Kauai is unspoiled natural splendor, but it is also a top destination for many travelers. However, if you get closer or get the chance to visit Kauai, you are going to stand in one of the oldest (geologically speaking) and arguably most beautiful of the major Hawaiian Islands, reveals a blossoming culinary scene, a rooted arts community and a smattering of resorts.
But thanks to careful regulation (by law, building heights max out at 55 feet) and a certain amount of pushback from residents, most of the islands still feels like the world’s most stunning backwater. Check out the following to see Kauai with a Live Your Aloha tour today.
Kauai’s origins are volcanic, the island having been formed by the passage of the Pacific Plate over the Hawaii hotspot. At approximately six million years old, it is the oldest of the main islands. The highest peak is Mount Wai’ale’ale near the center of the island 5’148 feet (1,569m) above sea level!Real paradise surrounded by lush vegetation, colorful animals, and fast springs! Fantastic, this is a dream!We won’t tell you more!Have a look at the breathtaking images from Kauai and also at the quirky illustrations of Heather Brown (her illustrations are displayed at many surf shops and boutiques on the North and South Shore of Oahu)!