The Zwarte Panther (Black Panter) is a famous art gallery in Antwerp located at the Hoogstraat, a small street where no cars are allowed, you wouldn’t expect this interesting complex building with nice spaces, a cute inner court, a chapel, a cellar and a little house behind the chapel.
During 1303 it was a little guesthouse (Sint Julianus Gasthuis) where poor pilgrims could stay a while. In 1968 the gallery opened. They say it is the oldest gallery in Flanders and the second oldest in Belgium for contemporary art. Adriaan Raemdonck, the gallery owner is passionate and takes his job very seriously.
There are almost permanently exhibitions by famous artists like Fred Bervoets, Jan Cox, Pjeroo Roobjee, Sam Dillemans, Jan Vanriet and many others.
The place is so interesting, not only because of the great art you can find there, but also because of the location from the Middle ages. The chapel (restored in 1956-1958) is simple but beautiful, the art in it is special. The inner court is idyllic, the rooms upstairs are light and pleasant. The art of Fred Bervoets is impressive.
Once in a time I walk in, and enjoy this oasis in the city. It is a spot where art meets history and that’s a good marriage.