Kinder Fun In Norway

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This wonderful kinder garden is organized in a number of longitudinal zones from the exterior playground, the roofed outdoor terraces that gives a good micro climate (very important for Norway climate).

The zones contribute to make a soft transition from the exterior to the interior spaces – from the exposed wide landscape to the intimate zones.

The kindergarten have been built to have the possibility of variety in the use of rooms. With very simple moves one can change each room into new rooms of various sizes and functions.

There are several options for combinations and joint actions of rooms and spaces. Flexibility is also guaranteed by the inner walls in every base station (fixed in one end, and wheels on the other).

They can be turned like indicators round an axis and be put in different positions and make various smaller rooms in the big base room.

Furniture and toys are partly integrated into the wall system so the floor area can be as free as possible: long drawing tables, climbing walls and puppet theatre are all parts of the playing walls.

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  1. Im student of architecture, the project that im working know is of this place; if you can send me anything I will apprecite it.
    Thank you

  2. iam an architect studing my course this was very interesting play with colours,shapes,some what littel openings mainly that low height partion walls ettracts much well nice design well architectured

  3. i am a student an di love the ideas. would like to have more details about those walls

    materials?how do they rotate?
    if you could please send me some, would really appreciate it.

    thnak you

  4. I’m Sugle Asad Dhugad, from Ethiopia, i’m doing my degree in “Architecture and urban planing”, @ Unity university, third year, this course i’m taking Architectural desing two, that means, i have to design KG and college for my finale project, actually designing a suitable enviornment for kids needs alot should be given care, like intertainment areas,intresting spaces, like those holes on the above KG walls,the kids should have to feel freedom from one space to another, relaxation and many more, but these holes on the wall attracted me, they serve as elements of design, as well as their shape giving some sence to the occupants.
    At last desing means a satisfactore enviornment for the occupants.
    i like these design.
    thanks .

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